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The Benefits of Hiring Second English Language Workers

different workersHiring people with multiple, foreign language skills is crucial in today’s intercontinental business sphere. 

Gone are the days where having English as a lingua franca was key for onboarding. In this multi-diverse society, the significance of global communication fuels business success.

There are huge benefits to working in your own language. Communicating to customers and clients in native languages allows for an exclusive and powerful working relationship like no other.

A multilingual workforce will give your business the upper competitive edge, keeping you ahead in current economic times. 

Read about the benefits of hiring second English language workers; and how you can build a multilingual workforce within your business. If you decide to follow our advice, it’s useful to understand some of the kpi examples so you can track the development of your business.

Multilingual Employees Help Grow a Diverse Workplace

multilingualWhen a workforce is made up of a multitude of cultures and backgrounds, it can blossom many benefits for your business.

It doesn’t matter if your company is involved in the technological or artistic realm.

A multilingual workforce can shape some of the most creative and diverse economic environments.

These workers bring with them a backpack full of individualism, uniqueness, and innovation. You cannot emulate this type of working persona through homogenous onboarding.

Gain Easier Access to International Markets

world mapMultilingual employees can stand as invaluable means for tapping into markets beyond your norm experiences.

You’ll gain access to international markets and clients; and will be equipped with tools to break down language and social barriers.

Multilingual workers can build specialist rapports with foreign clients. And can handle linguistic or cultural differences with sensitivity and awareness.

Global Demand for Building a Multilingual Workplace

Our socio-economical norms are forever changing, and businesses must do their best to keep up.

Whether we need to reshape our communities to become inclusive and accepting for all. Or whether we need to adapt to new technological advancements or national lockdowns.

Canada is known as an accepting nation for all nationalities and cultures. And this can be seen through every part of society – from our communities, schools, and our businesses. 

It’s a well-known fact that consumers will feel more at ease being served through familiarity. It’s almost like another level of customer satisfaction. Building a personal relationship with them, through a shared language, heritage, or history can guarantee immediate trust and value.

How Do I Hire Multilingual Workers for My Business?

To make it in international business waters, you need multitalented and multilingual employees.

You’ll stand out from competitors, reach foreign markets, and ethically run as a business worth working for. Here’s how to hire multilingual workers for my business:

Set Out a Language Test

testing iconWorkplace communication is very important, as it helps to create valuable working relations. Through language testing, you’ll be able to see the level of efficiency, in English and other languages.

Standardized language tests can help you save time during the onboarding stage. Provide reading, writing, and speaking tests.

And you’ll be able to filter through candidates easily; helping to find employees with suitable levels of the language skills you and your company require. 

Advertise Jobs with Multilingual Specifications 

You need to clearly advertise your business is looking for candidates with multilingual skills. You’ll be able to reach out to the best people if you access the right talent pool.

Make working relations with potential candidates at college and university fairs. And present available jobs and positions which have multilingual speculations.

You could even initiate a diversity apprenticeship scheme or offer mentoring for multilingual candidates. 

By advertising your job positions this way, you can attract the most suitable candidates. And can quickly build up a team of talented multilingual employees to help grow your business success.

Write the Job Description in Both Languages

write usTo attract multilingual candidates, you should demonstrate which specific languages you require employees to have. 

Maybe you need someone who helps with a client who speaks a specific dialect. Or maybe, you require someone with expertise in another language to use for important translation requirements.

Present the job description in the required language, and the most fitting candidates will be the first to apply. 

You can easily present both forms of job descriptions through recruitment apps and social media channels. Not only is this effortless through translation tools, but it can also help you reach a wider range of talent.

Test Your Candidates Through Interviews 

Alongside normal job interview questions, you can vet candidates about their language proficiency levels.

Here, you can grasp, not only their level of English but also the spectrum of their multilingual skills.

Through the interview, you can easily judge conversational skills too. And you can also provide written exercises to test their linguistic abilities.

But remember, you should make a compromise on occasions. For example, maybe you need an employee who is fully fluent in another language, but their English skills are intermediate. If most of your work is client-based, this could be a potential candidate for you.

So, judge each candidate fairly based on the job position you’ve advertised. And state clearly which parts you can compromise on, and which are non-negotiable.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

diversityA business built on workplace ethics of diversity and inclusion will home creativity and innovation. 

It’s your duty to host a collective workplace like this. Seek HR advice to implement diversity policies that will enrich your company culture.

You’ll soon see success and productivity manifest as you attract unique and individually talented employees. 

Whether you need multilingual workers or not, consider the endless positive benefits of building a culturally diverse and ethically inclusive business. By doing so, you’ll see accomplishments for your business brand name, revenue, and prosperity.